About Parks and Recreation

Cancellations and Rain Outs

Weather and other situations may cause Paducah Parks & Recreation to cancel classes and activities. The cancellation phone number is 270-444-8621.  Also, check for cancellations on Facebook.

Community Garden

The Community Garden is located in the open field at the corner of 14th and Madison Streets at the Pat & Jim Brockenborough Rotary Health Park.  

Contacts and Staff

The Parks & Recreation Department office, located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue, is open Monday through Friday, 8-4:30 p.m. If you have questions, call 270-444-8508. Anonymous or correspondence without contact information may not receive a response.
Fax 270-444-8627
Like us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter | Follow us on Instagram

Send mail to:
​​Paducah Parks & Recreation
P.O. Box 7265
Paducah, KY  42002-7265
Name Title Phone
Amie Clark Director 270-444-8508 x2328
Vacant Assistant Director of Parks 270-444-8508 x3445
Taylor Morsching Assistant Director of Recreation 270-444-8508 x2331
Vacant Recreation Supervisor 270-444-8508 x2335
Ashley Kearney Recreation Supervisor 270-444-8508 x3484
Elizabeth Kimball Recreation Specialist 270-444-8508 x3471
Kennedy Kirks Recreation Specialist 270-444-8508 x3255
Drake Stepter Recreation Specialist 270-444-8508 x2333
Mary Wurth Senior Administrative Assistant 270-444-8508 x2327
LaMiira Askew Administrative Assistant 270-444-8508 x2343
General Info   270-444-8508
Program Changes, Cancellations, or Rain Outs    270-444-8621

Department Divisions

Administration - Administration is responsible for all planning and new development of the Parks & Recreation Department. Administrative staff handles program registration, scheduling of Facilities, sale of Oak Grove Cemetery lots, assisting with budget preparation and budget monitoring.  This division oversees all other divisions within the Department. 

Parks Maintenance - Parks Maintenance is responsible for maintaining park facilities, trails, green spaces, and amenities.  Parks Maintenance also supports special events, activities, and festivals city-wide and maintains playing surfaces of athletic fields and facilities. The maintenance/operation of Oak Grove Cemetery, Brockenborough Rotary Health Park Sprayground and Coleman Sprayground fall under the Maintenance Division. The Park Ranger program is overseen by this division which provides park education and information as well as assistance with security and special event planning.  Learn more about Park Maintenance.

Recreation and Events - The Recreation and Events Division provides quality recreation programs and events for the community. This division operates parks and recreation facilities including the Paducah Recreation Center, Noble Park Pool, and the splash pads at Coleman Park and Brockenborough Park.  The division also operates the Paducah Farmers' Market and organizes several large scale community events including the Independence Day Celebration and Christmas Parade.  


The City of Paducah has several ordinances related to dogs including dogs at special community events, chaining and tethering of dogs, enclosure and chaining requirements for the confinement of dogs, sanitary disposal of dog feces, and precautions for owners of dangerous dogs. To view all the ordinances related to dogs, visit Dog Ordinances.

Paducah has two dog parks: a section of Independence Park and the Noble Park Dog Parks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your Office Hours?

8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday

Where are Paducah's parks located?

Visit Parks and Facilities for more information.  Each park operated and maintained by the City of Paducah is listed. Some maps are included.

Carson Park is maintained by McCracken County (call 270-444-4744).

Our group wants to have an event at Noble Park, what do we need to do? 

Visit Shelter and Facility Reservations for more information. Shelter rentals must be made a minimum of a week in advance. If you are planning an event that will restrict usage of the park to the public, a permit must be requested and issued. Any shelter not reserved as a rental is on a first come-first serve basis. Call 270-444-8508 for details.

How do I register for a program?

1) At the Parks Office located inside the Robert Cherry Civic Center at 2701 Park Avenue

2) By mailing in a registration form along with your payment 

3) Registrations may be taken over the phone with a debit/credit card or a Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.

3) Online. Visit Program Registration.

I registered for a program, but I need a refund. How do I get one?

Refunds requested by the participant after the start of a class will be prorated in all cases. An administrative fee of $5 for classes costing $25 or less and $10 for classes costing $25 or more will be charged for refund requests. The administrative fees may be waived if the refund request is due to an unplanned medical condition or illness. Any refund given for a class cancelled by Paducah Parks will be given in full. All refunds will be mailed to the person/group who paid the initial registration in the form of a check.

I saw something at a city park that was missing, damaged, vandalized, etc. What do I do now? 

You can report these incidents to the Paducah Parks & Recreation Department Office at 270-444-8508.  In the event of a severely dangerous situation or medical emergency, call 911. Injured, dead, or dangerous animal complaints should be directed to the animal control officer at 270-444-8550.

I lost something at a city park. What do I do?

Personal items found in city parks are turned in to the Paducah Parks & Recreation Department Offices, and can be claimed by calling 270-444-8508. Items not claimed after 60 days may be discarded.

How can I find out about programs and activities?

Seasonal program brochures are found on this website and as inserts in the Paducah Sun newspaper. You can also view all our programs by logging in as a guest at the online registration page.

When are city parks open to the public?

Most parks are open from dawn to dusk. Gated City parks are officially open from 8 am. to 10 p.m. City parks may be closed in the event of heavy snowfall or severe weather.

How do I check to see if a program is cancelled? 

Weather and other situations may cause Paducah Parks & Recreation to cancel classes and activities. The cancellation phone number is 270-444-8621.  Also, check for cancellations on Facebook.

I have an idea for a new class, activity, program. Who do I contact?  

The Paducah Parks & Recreation Department always is looking for new instructors or ways to offer new programs to the community. Your input is appreciated. Call 270-444-8508 or email a staff member.

Can I fish at the Noble Park Lake?

Yes, fishing is allowed at the Noble Park Lake. All fishing is at your own risk. Anyone who fishes at the Noble Park Lake must have a valid Kentucky fishing license. All fishing in Noble Park Lake must follow Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife rules which are posted at the lake.

Can I hang a banner for my special event?

The Parks & Recreation Department accepts applications for banners. Banners are permitted at one location at the Pat & Jim Brockenborough Rotary Health Park. Pole banners are permitted on sections of Broadway and Jefferson Street.

If you have a question about the banner permitting process, contact Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508.

Below is a permit application which outlines the size and material specifications for the banners. Please submit completed applications by email to parkinfopaducahky.gov or by mail to

Paducah Parks & Recreation
P.O. Box 7265
Paducah, KY 42002-7265

Banner Application

If you are planning a special event that may require a road closure or if the event will be held at a City park or another city-owned facility, please reach out to the Customer Experience Department to discuss whether a special event permit is required.

Special Event Permits

How do I get electrical power at the shelter I reserved? 

Some green electrical boxes in city parks are available to rent.  $30 per day per box will allow access to the electrical boxes. There are 110v and 220v plugs in the boxes. Noble Park boxes are marked with letters to easily describe them. These boxes are normally locked. Call Paducah Parks at 270-444-8508 for details. Paducah Power can set temporary power poles for large power needs for a fee. Call 270-575-4000 for Paducah Power. Visit Shelter and Facility Reservations for details.

Master Plan

The Parks & Recreation Department updated its Parks Master Plan in 2019. 

Memorials and Commemorative Items -  Bricks, Trees, and Park Benches

Parks & Recreation accepts donations for the purpose of planting trees and installing benches within City Parks to memorialize a departed family member or friend or to commemorate a special occasion. Commemorative bricks area available for purchase. For more information, call Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508 ext. 3.

Brick, Tree, and Park Bench Contract and Application

Memorial Program Policy and Rules

Parks and Facilities

The Parks & Recreation Department has more than two dozen Parks and Facilities for your enjoyment.  

Permits for Festivals and Events

The Customer Experience Department coordinates Special Event Permits. Special Event Permits are issued for special events or gatherings of more than 25 people on City-owned property, public streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way, and other public areas of the City of Paducah.  Examples of special events that require permits include walks at Noble Park, parades, festivals, and fishing tournaments at the Ohio River Boat Launch. 


There are three ways to register for programs and activities. Online Registration allows registration online using a major credit/debit card. Click the "Guest" link to view programs and activities. Registration also is available by visiting or calling the Parks office at 270-444-8508 or by downloading and mailing the Registration Form with a check.

Reserving a Shelter or Facility

The Parks & Recreation Department offers several facilities and park shelters for rent. View Shelter and Facility Reservations for more information.

Rules of Conduct

The City of Paducah takes pride in its Parks and has enacted the Rules of Conduct (Chapter 70 in Paducah Code of Ordinances) for residents and visitors as they enjoy the various parks and facilities in the City. The Parks & Recreation Department also has a Behavior Policy for participants of activities. 

Sportsmanship – All players, coaches and spectators are required to display good sportsmanship before, during and after all games on and off the court/field while at Paducah Parks and Recreation activities. Players, coaches, and spectators not displaying good sportsmanship may be ejected or suspended as determined by the Paducah Parks and Recreation staff in accordance with the Parks Behavior Policy.

Behavior Policy - Paducah Parks and Recreation under no circumstance will tolerate verbal and/or physical abuse of any staff member, umpire/referee, or program participant. The penalties for any of the above behaviors are strict and strongly enforced. First time offenders may be suspended for a minimum of 1-year from all Parks and Recreation programming. It is our mission that all participants as well as employees feel safe and are protected from any type of abuse.

Summer Camps and School's Out Camps

The Parks & Recreation Department provides several Camps for kids during the summer and throughout the school year. 

Special Events

Throughout the year, the Parks & Recreation Department arranges Special Events ranging from Movies in the Park to parades.